Empowering Emotions: A Guide to Teaching Co-Regulation to Your Teen

Teenage years are a challenging time for both teens and their parents. It's a period marked by intense emotions, identity exploration, and the need for independence. As a mental health therapist, I often work with parents seeking effective strategies to connect with their teens during this tumultuous phase. One powerful tool that can transform parent-teen relationships is the practice of co-regulation.

Understanding Co-Regulation:

Co-regulation refers to the mutual influence and support that individuals provide to each other in a relationship, particularly in the context of managing emotions. For parents and teens, co-regulation involves the parent guiding and supporting the teen in understanding and regulating their emotions.

Key components of co-regulation:

1. Emotional Awareness:

  • Encourage open communication about feelings.

  • Help teens identify and label their emotions.

2. Active Listening:

  • Be fully present when your teen is expressing themselves.

  • Reflect back what you hear to ensure understanding.

3. Validation:

  • Acknowledge and validate your teen's emotions without judgment.

  • Express empathy and understanding.

4. Modeling Regulation Techniques:

  • Demonstrate healthy emotion regulation strategies, such as deep breathing or mindfulness.

  • Encourage your teen to explore and find what works best for them.

5. Setting Boundaries:

  • Work collaboratively to establish clear and fair boundaries.

  • Discuss consequences and expectations in a calm and supportive manner.

Benefits of Co-Regulation:

  1. Improved Communication:

  • Co-regulation fosters a more open and understanding dialogue between parents and teens.

  • It creates a safe space for teens to express themselves without fear of judgment.

2. Enhanced Emotional Resilience:

  • Teens who experience co-regulation learn how to navigate and regulate their emotions, contributing to increased emotional resilience.

3. Strengthened Parent-Teen Connection:

9. Skill Development:

  • Teens develop valuable emotional regulation skills that will serve them well in various aspects of life.

Practical Tips for Co-Regulating with Your Teen

1. Initiate Regular Check-Ins:

Make time to check in with your teen about their emotions and experiences. Create a safe and judgment-free space where they feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. These regular check-ins provide an opportunity for open communication and help build trust over time.

2. Share Your Own Emotions:

Be open about your feelings and share how you cope with challenges. Demonstrating vulnerability and modeling healthy emotional expression is a powerful way to show your teen that it's okay to feel and express a range of emotions. Share your own experiences of managing stress or overcoming obstacles, creating a platform for shared understanding.

3. Educate and Explore Together:

Learn about emotional regulation techniques together. Explore books, articles, therapy or attend workshops that focus on understanding and managing emotions. This shared exploration not only deepens your understanding of emotional regulation but also strengthens the connection between you and your teen. Consider incorporating activities such as mindfulness exercises or breathing techniques into your routine.

4. Explore Relaxation and Stress Reduction Activities:

mother and daughter exploring relaxation with co-regulation connection

Engage in activities that promote relaxation and stress reduction. Whether it's going for a walk together, practicing yoga, or even trying out a new hobby, find activities that bring joy and calmness to both of you. These shared experiences contribute to a positive environment and create opportunities for co-regulation.

5. Encourage Independence:

Allow your teen some autonomy in finding their own strategies for emotional regulation. Offer guidance without imposing solutions. This fosters a sense of independence and self-efficacy, empowering them to navigate their emotions more independently. Encourage them to explore what works best for them and provide support along the way.


Implementing these practical tips into your daily routine can significantly enhance the co-regulation process with your teen. Remember that co-regulation is an ongoing journey that requires patience, empathy, and consistent effort. By creating a supportive and open environment, you lay the foundation for a healthy parent-teen relationship built on trust, communication, and shared growth.