Summer Blues

For those of us who live in Montana year-round, we generally covet the summer months. They come and go very quickly so soaking in each day with intention is a common quest. It is hard not to notice our population growth during the summer due to the visibility of people out enjoying summer activities. I am one of those individuals who dream of the summer days attaching ambitious goals to all facets of my life. I expect that I will have more energy and overall zest for life as the sun shines a bit brighter. 

But What If Summer Wasn’t As Great As We Expected?

However, I have noticed since moving to MT that my expectations are rarely met. I suffer from allergies and have found my symptoms worse here compared to any other place where I have lived. Fortunately, if I get above a certain elevation my symptoms dissipate, but this treatment requires energy to get to that elevation. And given that spring here is really summer I find relief just about time for school to start and the pace of life picks up.

I am also a morning person and find it hard to fall asleep with the daylight creeping into the late hours. I crave that extra hour of sleep each morning which naturally disrupts my rhythm, particularly my exercise routine. 

And when I do not move my body my mental health suffers.

Seasonal Affective Symptoms in… Summer?

There is more attention given to seasonal affective symptoms during the long, cold winters. So if you, like me, are experiencing summer blues there may be feelings of invalidation. There is a general acceptance and understanding of wanting to hunker down for the winter. But what if this is your experience during the summer? How can you be true to yourself and also take advantage of the weather? Then there is the pressure to do all of the things. The increased socialization, travel and, oh yes, yard work!  Whatever happened to lazy summer days? Do those only exist when you are a little kid?

A Therapists Experiencing On Finding Enjoyment Despite The Summer Blues

Well, this summer I decided to change my narrative about what summer should look like and instead accept summer as it comes. I have learned to let go of my expectations and hold boundaries with other people. I take the time to sleep in, enjoy a nap, or not step outside if I do not feel like it. I am trying to not force summer with an urgency that disrupts my presence and actual enjoyment. 

If this resonates with you I encourage you to honor what you need during this time, even if it means hot chocolate and a warm blanket.

Fight The Summer Blues With Support From A Therapist in Bozeman, MT

If you are struggling to get over the summer blues then it might be time to reach out for support from a therapist in Bozeman. With Depression Treatment you can find actual enjoyment during summer in a way that fits your needs.

If you are tired of dealing with seasonal affective symptoms then follow these steps to get help from Bridger Peaks Counseling.

  1. Reach out to speak with a therapist

  2. Schedule your first depression treatment appointment

  3. Find what brings you joy in the summer

Other Therapy Services Offered In Bozeman, MT

Our therapists in Bozeman, MT offer several different mental health services. This includes addiction treatment, teen therapy, EMDR therapy, trauma, and PTSD treatment. As well as couples therapy, postpartum depression and anxiety counseling, rising strong workshops, and more. We also now have a Psychiatric Nurse who offers psychiatric care and medication management.