...Inspiration that Comes from Within


Imagine all the people-Living life in peace-You may say I'm a dreamer-But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us-And the world will be as one

-John Lennon

A close up of a hand holding a jar up to the sky appears to catch the stars. Learn how Bozeman counselors can offer support in finding inspiration. Learn how counseling in Bozeman can offer support by searching “anxiety counseling Bozeman, MT” today.

The heaviness of the world is bearing down on all of us.

Collectively we have endured so much over the past couple of years while yearning for some semblance of normalcy. Will we ever return to a time that normal stressors can be acknowledged or will they continue to be buried under the insurmountable issues plaguing mankind? It is easy to get caught up in the negativity surrounding us along with the ease of seeking it out on our devices. 

Recently, I listened to the lyrics of the beautifully written “Imagine” and I connected with being a dreamer.

Well, at least I used to be. As I reflected on the version of myself who could get lost in imagining a life where my dreams could come to fruition, the word hope came to mind. Well to be transparent, hopelessness was what really came up for me because that is what feels more pronounced. As I live more years on this earth the dreamer seems to fade and I need to remind myself of my younger self who often found the space to dream.

A close up of a person stretching their legs to prepare for a morning run. Learn how Bozeman counselors can help you feel more mindful by searching “anxiety counseling Bozeman, MT” today.

Noticing the barriers preventing me from dreaming has been the work that I am capable of doing. Those barriers include but are not limited to time, space and solitude. As a working parent those things are hard to find and if I do it is easy to plug in another task. Typically, running is the perfect facilitator of alone time to let my mind wander and dream.

However, my relationship with running has been tumultuous since the pandemic began a couple of years ago which I believe has a direct correlation to the feelings of complacency. For the majority of my running relationship, I have scoffed at the notion of listening to music or anything else that would distract me from my thoughts. Then Covid came and suddenly became attached to my air pods and the abundance of podcasts available to fill my run.

I justified this practice by believing that it would improve my motivation to run and in turn ground me.

However, what I have found is that it has interfered with the flow of thoughts that make my runs feel productive. I am drawn to inspiring people who have achieved goals that impress me and what I thought would inspire me. This was, and is, not the case, as the more I become drawn to their story the less connected I am to mine. 

An image of a winding river through a canyon. Bozeman counselors can offer support with overcoming mental health concerns via counseling in Bozeman, MT. Learn more by searching “anxiety counseling Bozeman, MT” today.

About a month ago I took a trip to find some peace from the heaviness of life. I explored and ran under the spectacular redwood trees, by the powerful forces of the northern CA shoreline, and finally in the depths of the Grand Canyon.

What I noticed on this journey was that finding hope or peace is easier in the simplicity of nature.

I did not need any motivation to move my body in those spaces and I certainly was not drawn to a human distraction. I was fully present with my thoughts and feelings allowing dreams to be formed through the energy around me. I saw life everywhere whether that be at the top of a 250-foot tree or at the bottom of the canyon. The vividness of that life could have been lost to distraction, but instead, it was felt. 

As we embark on another holiday season, I will surround myself with natural light and the simplicity of nature even if it is only a few minutes in the cold. I will seek out the silence in the outdoors to listen for inspiration that comes from within and draws out the young dreamer inside. If you are reading this, I encourage you to do the same.

Begin Working With Bozeman Counselors

You deserve support in uncovering that inner dreamer within you. Our team of caring therapists would be honored to support you from our Bozeman, MT-based therapy practice. You can start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:

  1. Reach out now to speak with a therapist.

  2. Make your first appointment at Bridger Peaks Counseling.

  3. Start making decisions for your life without fear!

Other Services Offered in Bozeman, MT

We offer several mental health services at our Bozeman, MT therapy clinic. Other services offered include addiction treatment, teen therapy, EMDR therapy, and trauma therapy. We also offer couples therapy, postpartum depression and anxiety counseling, depression therapy, rising strong workshops, and more. Feel free to visit our blog to learn more helpful information today!