With the Covid-19 outbreak we find that daily life is beginning to look much different. Along with the many new challenges we are all quickly having to adapt. This is a challenging time and if you are an individual in recovery from substance use, or other addictive disorders, the challenges that you face are heightened by the fact that the routines that have helped you in recovery are disrupted. Since the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that we practice social distancing, many of our resources for recovering individuals are not available at this time. You may be concerned about this shift, but we urge you to remember that
The shuttering of gathering spaces, halls and churches is a necessary step towards managing this virus and protecting the people in our community who are most at risk of being critically infected. Because social isolation can be so dangerous for someone in recovery we urge you to utilize phone calls, internet and video chats to stay in touch with your recovery supports. Our local recovery communities have done an incredible job quickly adapting to the limitations. You will find that there are new opportunities to attend meetings in a unique way that you might not normally be able to attend. It is so important that you remain connected, especially at a time like this when there are so many uncertainties.
Below you will find some resources that may help you through this challenging time. In addition to what is provided below, we encourage you to reach out to Bridger Peaks Counseling to make an appointment with one of our skilled and compassionate clinicians. We understand how difficult things are right now and are eager to provide services that may help to alleviate some of the stresses you are facing. We have transitioned to offering telehealth services now to meet the needs of this community as we all learn to adapt.
Sober Grid
Nomo – Sobriety Clocks
rTribe – Quit Porn/Drug/Food Addiction
Rewired: A Bold New Approach To Addiction and Recovery by Erica Spiegelman
Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis & Larry Sloman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brene Brown
Spirit Junkie by Gabrielle Bernstein
District 72 Groups Online Meetings
Not A Glum Lot Group - For More Information notaglumlot132@gmail.com
Meetings 7 days a week: 7AM, 5PM, 9PM. Join on computer or mobile device: https://zoom.us/j/485277038 Meeting ID: 485 277 038
Join by phone (one click or dial): +13462487799,,485277038# +16699006833,,485277038#
This link will allow you to see a list of all virtual meetings serving Gallatin Valley AA. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XbRVDcczrNoEfbSTWWbqiE5ELn5Xdug_6SN8PBwjtRY/edit?fbclid=IwAR0ZANuvqhBIIqf_GMBhb9H4IOU271atMzLUO7r9N4xPqkSbf8Ap6mX8TaM
http://dailyaaemails-alcoholicsanonymous-howtogetsober.libsyn.com/mar-16-honesty-transitions-daily-alcoholics-anonymous-recovery-readings-podcast-0?fbclid=IwAR3RjU3EaCXRntSf8tVT-QA4OJ6n_wsrdAgLlJWWWr5mZzwvJ4Fa5GGbYHY - daily AA recovery readings podcast
Recovery Elevator Podcast - www.recoveryelevator.com/podcasts - 265 ~1hr episodes of stories and lessons in recovery
Social Media/Website
https://www.intherooms.com/home/ A global recovery community
https://www.buddhistrecovery.org/ Buddhist Recovery Network
We hope that some of these resources can help you to continue your path of recovery during this time. We are here to help you should you feel the need to establish a relationship with a counselor. Remember that we are all in this together.
About the Author: Autumn Clowes, MS, PCLC
Autumn believes that each individual and every couple has within them the capacity for growth and profound strength. She loves helping the people and working with them to feel empowered to face and overcome challenges and shed the debilitating effects of shame.
Her strengths include working with people who have experienced trauma, issues surrounding sexuality and sexual orientation, grief and loss, and self harming behaviors. She also has a deep desire to help people who struggle with addictive behaviors to conquer the guilt and shame that often go along with those struggles.